
The Best Electric Knife Sharpener

This electric knife sharpener earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because it produced the sharpest, most resilient edges... Read more

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Product Story

This electric knife sharpener earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because it produced the sharpest, most resilient edges. Knife blades were dulled by running them along cement blocks 100 times prior to testing. The Best model ground edges that chopped spaghetti squash with little effort and sliced smoothly through sheets of paper, unlike lesser sharpeners that created edges that required great force to penetrate squash and cut paper into ragged pieces. The Best model sharpened serrated knives that cut easily through cardboard, far superior to lesser models that could not sharpen any toothed blades. The three-stage sharpener uses 100% diamond abrasives, hardened steel, and flexible stropping discs to grind and polish an edge and restore its original sharpness in only 10 seconds. Elastomeric guides ensure knives are kept at the proper angle for optimal sharpening. The Best model has a built-in magnet that catches knife blade shavings for easy cleanup and it was one of the quietest models. 9 1/2" L x 4" H x 3 1/2" D. (5 lbs.)