The Best Juice Extractor
The Best Juice Extractor
This electric juice extractor produced the sweetest juice with the least amount of froth and was easy to clean, thereby earning The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute.
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Product Story

This electric juice extractor produced the sweetest juice with the least amount of froth and was easy to clean, thereby earning The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute. The Best Juice Extractor made the most flavorful orange, apple, and vegetable juices while filtering out all of the bitter pith, unlike lesser models that produced acrid juice with an abundance of insipid froth. The Best model yielded a full 8-ounce glass of orange juice from just 11 ounces of oranges, superior to other juicers that produced only 6.93 ounces. Analysts inserted whole pieces of fruit and vegetables into The Best Juice Extractor's 3"-wide chute, unlike competing juicers that could only accommodate apples that were cut in half or quartered. The Best Juice Extractor's blade, pulp container, and filter are lightweight, easy to remove, and dishwasher safe, enabling quick and easy clean up. 15" H x 8" W x 12" D. (7 1/2 lbs.)