The Cordless Twinkling Harvest Table Runner
4.1 (17 Reviews) Item
The Cordless Twinkling Harvest Table Runner
4.1 (17 Reviews) Item
Available only from Hammacher Schlemmer, thisis the cordless table runner that twinkles with the light of a crisp, starry Autumn night.
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Product Story

Available only from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the cordless table runner that twinkles with the light of a crisp, starry Autumn night. Made from rich velvet that protects a table’s surface, the 72" L x 14" W runner has 16 white LEDs that provide a festive glow to a harvest themed tabletop display. A multitude of tiny white light dots generated by 130 fiber optic strands imbedded in the fabric impart a twinkling to the entire runner. Requires three AAA batteries. Orange or Black. 72" L x 14" W.

Customer Reviews Customer Reviews 4.1 (17 Reviews)