The Double Toothed Dress Comb
The Double Toothed Dress Comb
There is no finer, more luxurious comb available than this hand-crafted comb carved from Bos Indicus cattle horn by artisans in Carnforth, Lancashire.
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Product Story

There is no finer, more luxurious comb available than this hand-crafted comb carved from Bos Indicus cattle horn by artisans in Carnforth, Lancashire. Unlike the plastic of typical combs, the cattle horn in this comb is the same durable material trusted to make long-lasting utensils for thousands of years. Shaped in an eight-step process, the rich keratin of the horn produces a smooth comb that glides effortlessly without static, preventing unruly hair and distributing natural oils for richer, shinier hair. These same oils help polish the comb to a glass-like finish, and the naturally striated coloration is distinct from one comb to the next. The horn comb acquires a slight natural curve with time as it subtly responds to climate changes, resulting in a tine surface that more closely follows the natural contours of the head. Each comb rinses clean with fresh water. Broad and fine teeth for all hair. 7 1/2" L.