The Durable Woven Resin Kennel and Crate Large
The Durable Woven Resin Kennel and Crate Large
Many dog crates are made of unsightly wire mesh or plastic that tends to trap odors and must be stored out of sight when guests arrive or when not in use.
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Product Story

Many dog crates are made of unsightly wire mesh or plastic that tends to trap odors and must be stored out of sight when guests arrive or when not in use. Alleviate these annoyances with our wicker dog crate which has the understated look of classic rattan furniture, the durability of a dog cage, and the easy-to-clean surface of resin. The woven resin outer shell will not splinter and break like traditional wicker, nor does it absorb fluids and odors, and you can leave the kennel in a comfortable corner of the house without compromising your decor. The uniquely designed door opens both in and out for the most convenient access, and can latch securely shut, or latch onto the inside of the cage so it is out of the way of foot traffic. Built-in feet elevate the crate off of floors to protect finishes and provide underside ventilation that keeps animals at a more comfortable temperature and also helps reduce odors. Interior tray of high density plastic provides support for resting pets yet easily slides out for quick cleaning with soap and water. Minor assembly (wrench included). Not for puppies or chronic chewers. Please specify Natural or Dark Brown. Sized for dogs 15-23 high at the shoulder, and up to 70 lbs. 27 H x 24 W x 36 L. (38 lbs.)