Unique Gifts
The Robotic Window Washer
The Award Winning Advanced Robot Mop/Vacuum
The Lady's European Washable Stretch Boots
The Discreet Charging Side Table
The Easy Read Full Disclosure Clock
The Genuine Irish Herringbone Sweater Coat
The European Comfort Loungewear
The Hidden Outlet Baker's Rack
The Genuine Irish Flannel Lounge Pants
The Diamond Infinite Love Hallmarked Pendant
The Army Air Corps Leather Flight Jacket
The Professional Ceramic Hair Rollers
Hammacher Schlemmer's unique products make for the perfect gift. From personalized gifts to handy gadgets, explore our gift guide to pick the right gift for those hard-to-shop-for people on your list.
We offer a wide variety of gifts for men, ranging from travel and gadgets to grooming and apparel. We also offer usual and luxurious items for women that are sure to stand out. Lastly, our unique toys will be sure to entertain and engage every child's imagination.
Try personalizing a wide variety of our gifts for a more sentimental touch.
Explore our gift guide for that one-of-a-kind gift or opt for a gift certificate.