The Flame Of Infinity Candle
The Flame Of Infinity Candle
Only available from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the German-made mirrored candle holder that produces the illusion of an infinite number of flames.
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Product Story

Only available from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the German-made mirrored candle holder that produces the illusion of an infinite number of flames. The holder is made from polished glass secured by an aluminum frame that sits atop a stained walnut base. The light from the flame of a single candle reflects infinitely between each of the four mirrored interior walls. In daylight, the flame appears to float in the middle of the rectangular lantern; at night, the full effect is strikingly mesmerizing. With 7/8" removable candlestick holder; includes one white candle. 11" H x 5" sq. (2 1/2 lbs.)