The Hammacher Schlemmer Three Passenger Electric Ride On Train
4.8 (101 Reviews) Item
Product Story
This is the ride on train from Hammacher Schlemmer that makes chuffing sounds and carries three pint-sized passengers. The 12-volt battery-powered vehicle reaches a max speed of 3 mph when a child applies his or her foot to the pedal and has a directional button that provides forward/backward movement. It has a front steering wheel, working headlight, and makes realistic whistling and chuffing sounds. The train’s tires also have rubber strips to help a conductor conquer challenging terrain. A full charge via AC provides up to two hours of power. Supports two riders in the locomotive and one rider in the caboose (up to 132 lbs. total). Assembly required. Ages 3 and up. 21" H x 56 1/2" L x 15 3/4" W. (23 lbs.)