The Handheld Travel TV
The Handheld Travel TV
Always stay in tune with broadcast sporting events or breaking news with this 2.
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Product Story

Always stay in tune with broadcast sporting events or breaking news with this 2.3" portable TV. The screen¿s anti-glare coating ensures a crystal clear picture even in bright sunlight. The unit pulls in both VHF and UHF channels with its included antenna. Small enough to be hand-held, the TV also has a kick stand so you can set the unit on a flat surface. Made by Casio®, a leading consumer electronics company since 1957. Brightness and volume controls for personalized preferences; with headphones port. The TV runs for up to four hours on four AA batteries (not included). 4 1/2" H x 3" W x 1 1/2" D. (9 1/2 oz.)