The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows
5 (3 Reviews) Item
The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows
5 (3 Reviews) Item
Available exclusively from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the natural-filled, extra-soft feather pillow without sharp quills for a softer feel and quieter sleep experience.

92717 - The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows
92717 - The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows
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$69.95 $129.95
(46% Off)
92805 - The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows (Standard)
92805 - The Quill Extracted Feather Pillows (Standard)
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$59.95 $119.95
(50% Off)
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Product Story

Available exclusively from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the natural-filled, extra-soft feather pillow without sharp quills for a softer feel and quieter sleep experience. The natural fill is processed with an additional step to remove the quills from the feathers, reducing noise against the ear and eliminating feather tips that poke through the cover to disturb a night's rest. With a 240 thread-count cotton cover and a removable 400-count cotton outer cover for easy cleaning.

Customer Reviews Customer Reviews 5 (3 Reviews)