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February 2, 2024

Top 5 Jewelry Ideas For Someone Special In Your Life

Top 5 Jewelry Ideas 

Everyone has a special someone. Whether that individual is a spouse, parent, child, or friend, one of the best ways to express your feelings is with a piece of jewelry that carries the appropriate sentiment.

As such, we at Hammacher Schlemmer would like to aid in the quest for the perfect gift by providing a helpful list of classic items that sparkle and shine.

1. The Faceted Lapis Lazuli Collection This unique collection of elegant jewelry contains a matching pendant, ring, and pair of earrings. Each piece features a lapis lazuli gemstone, which has been revered for centuries and believed to bestow the virtues of both truth and wisdom. Use of the lapis lazuli stone can be found in Ancient Egypt, Biblical times, and there has even been evidence that it was an ingredient used in make-up worn by Cleopatra. Each gemstone in this collection was faceted in Brazil and rests in a sterling silver setting that it sterling silver with gold plating.

2. The Marcasite Trinity Knot Collection Featuring the classic Celtic trinity knot, this jewelry collection includes a pendant and matching earrings that glitter with miniature marcasite stones. Hallmarked in Dublin Castle, the iconic pieces are embellished with marcasite—a light crystal with a metallic finish—that allow them to glisten and dance in the light.

As one of Ireland’s most iconic symbols, the Celtic trinity knot is often used to symbolize the Holy Trinity, eternal life, and enduring love.

3. The Cherished Names Forever Ring This timeless keepsake provides yet another way to celebrate a special bond between you and your loved ones. Incorporating one of the more popular trends in jewelry today, it allows custom personalization. When ordering, you can select up to four names of friends, family (or even pets), and each will be engraved on the ring’s exterior. And because the piece is made with a unique jeweler’s grade stainless steel alloy, it maintains its glossy polished look and will not scratch or dent.

4. The Today, Tomorrow, And Always Amber Collection Two things that stand the test of time are love and amber. This three-piece Hammacher Schlemmer jewelry collection contains a pendant, matching earrings, and a bracelet. Each element is made with gold vermeil and features a trio of amber stones—representing the past, the present, and the future. In addition to communicating the sentiment of enduring love, the fossilized tree resin has a long history through various cultures and ancient times, associating it with enduring virtues such as courage, confidence, good luck, and wisdom.

5. The Ancient Empress' Crescent Earrings These timeless earrings (available both in Sterling Silver and Gold-plated) carry their own air of historical romance. Based on the popular “boat-shape” design found throughout antiquity, this modern take on ancient earrings exemplifies the perfect balance between old world elegance and contemporary style. The origins of this crescent/hoop shape trace back to 2500 B.C. and evidence has even shown similar designs worn by ancient royalty including pharaohs, empresses, and figures such as Nefertiti. The shape was also believed by ancient Egyptians to bring good health to all those who wore it.

One of the most classic ways to express your feelings to a loved one is through jewelry. There is a time and place for luxurious pieces that break the bank (such as engagement rings, wedding bands, or heirlooms).

But sometimes, the most treasured gifts we receive aren’t those that cost the most, but those that came from the heart.