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June 28, 2021

Let Freedom Ring At Home and Outdoors

Let Freedom Ring At Home and Outdoors

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
--Thomas Jefferson

With these immortal words, first published on July 4, 1776, a new nation "of the people, by the people, for the people" was born. As we celebrate the 245th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, we feel it is our patriotic duty to help the citizens of this great nation enjoy freedom in all its many forms.

Freedom from Joint and Muscle Pain

We Americans are always on the move, except when stiff joints and sore muscles slow us down. The Compression Knee Massager helps you maintain your active lifestyle by compressing the knee joint to help reduce swelling, stiffness, and pain. A Hammacher Schlemmer exclusive, this strap-on heated massager has dual air bags that inflate and deflate to stimulate healing, the same method used by professional massage therapists. For a custom massage treatment on any area of the body, give The Hot/Cold Deep Tissue Massage Gun a shot. Its powerful motor generates up to 3,200 deep piston-like percussions per minute to deliver an intense massage using interchangeable heating or cooling heads.

Freedom from Pesky Bugs

Swarms of ravenous mosquitoes can suck all the joy out of spending time outdoors. Take back your deck or patio space by taking out these pests with The Quarter Acre Mosquito Trap. This clever device emits carbon dioxide and UV light to lure insects within range of its integrated fan that draws the pests into a trap from which they cannot escape. For those who prefer a less aggressive but just as effective approach to mosquito abatement, simply slip on The Full Coverage Mosquito Blocking Shirt to create a wearable barrier from biting bugs that goes everywhere you go.

Freedom from Electrical Cords

When it comes to powering outdoor lights or appliances, stringing electric cords isn't always practical and it's never pretty. Thanks to ever-improving technology, you now have excellent cordless options that put an end to the (electrical) power struggle. To make sure you keep your cool at outdoor events, or when camping or tailgating, take along The Cordless 24 Hour Outdoor Fan. This 12" fan has a long-life rechargeable battery that provides up to 24 hours of cooling air circulation, no outlet required. Similarly, you can throw light wherever it's needed around your home with The Brightest Cordless Motion Activated Light. Another Hammacher Schlemmer exclusive, this cordless, weatherproof light mounts almost anywhere to illuminate porches, decks, or patios with LEDs that are twice as bright as typical models.

Freedom from Housework

Americans value their leisure time almost as much as their independence. Pass off the chore of keeping your floors clean to The Advanced i7+ Roomba With Automatic Dirt Disposal that frees you from vacuuming for weeks at a time. This advanced robotic vacuum automatically empties itself into a waste bin in its charging dock. Dirty dishes got you down? The Countertop Dishwasher plugs into a standard wall outlet and hooks up to your sink’s faucet to provide the same cleaning power and convenience of a full-sized unit.

As always, Hammacher Schlemmer provides freedom from stress and risk because we back your purchase with our Rather Famous Lifetime Guarantee of Satisfaction. Let freedom ring!