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June 19, 2023

Tackling Common Travel Hassles

Tackling Common Travel Hassles 

Millions of Americans will be driving the roads, flying the skies, and sailing the oceans this summer in numbers that haven't been seen since before the pandemic. As much as we all look forward to getting away, there are also aspects of travel that weary trekkers would just as soon forget—and for which your friends at Hammacher Schlemmer offer clever solutions. Do any of these sound familiar?

Overweight Baggage. Few things can cause more consternation during check-in than discovering that your checked bag needs to be put on a crash diet. Weighing in at a svelt 6.86 lbs. (66% lighter than most bags its size), The World's Lightest Suitcase can help you avoid embarrassing public scenes and airline surcharges. It's also easier to hoist on/off a rental car bus, hotel shuttle, or a baggage conveyor belt than typical bulky suitcases.

Organizing Essentials. Got your passport? Check. Phone? Check. Cards? They're in a pocket here somewhere—you hope. The Wearable Leather Cross Body Wallet helps eliminate anxious moments and frantic self-frisking by keeping your travel essentials organized and easily accessible in an ultra-compact leather bag that slips over a shoulder. The Wearable Water Bottle Wallet goes a step further by keeping you as well hydrated as you are well organized during walking tours or nature hikes.

Safety And Security. Navigating around an unfamiliar city can be stressful enough, but it can also make you an easy target for thieves and pickpockets. The 5 Mile Flashlightr (almost 900 five-star reviews!) shines an ultra-bright beam to light up dark walkways and includes a strobe mode that disorients potential troublemakers. For those who desire a higher level of protection, The Personal Security Device keeps a security flashlight, ear-piercing alarm, and stun gun within fingertip reach should the need arise.

It's likely you could add some travel pet peeves of your own to this list. If so, consider exploring our complete assortment of travel gear to find an innovative solution before taking off on your next travel adventure. Happy trails!